Gangbang Birthday Surprise

It’s my birthday and I’m feeling nervously excited. We’ve just arrived at the pub you booked for my party. We haven’t been here before, it’s not obviously a pub from the outside. The bouncer doesn’t even try to hide that he checks me out, you smirk at me and hold the door open.

The first thing I notice is that I don’t know anyone. The second is men, all men.

“Perhaps we’re early,” I whisper.

“We have ten minutes before the party starts,” you point to the bar, “let’s get a drink.”

We move to the crowded bar, and it seems to me that the men in this room don’t see women in here often. I can feel eyes on me. I look at you and you’re watching me, your face is neutral, but your eyes are saying something else and I feel the first thrilling sensations in my stomach.

A man stands up and lets me have his stool. I offer him a smile. He doesn’t return it. I look at you again, but you’re ordering me a drink. A shot, good start. I down it, then another and my nerves begin to dissipate, despite this … undercurrent. There is such a sense of menace in this room.

The party should be starting now, but I still don’t recognise anyone. You produce a blindfold from your pocket, unfold the silky material and let it run over my wrist and you smile at me. “Happy birthday.”

You bind my eyes and lead me away from the bar. We stop and you raise my arm. The room goes quiet. Someone takes my other arm and suddenly I feel my wrist being secured in clamps above my head! My legs are manhandled apart and similarly clamped.

“Don’t forget your safe word.” A whisper in my ear.

Slowly conversation resumes around me.

I told you about this fantasy before; being tied up in a bar, naked and ready to be used. Maybe halfway between the bar and the men’s room, so I can be casually groped in passing. I didn’t know such places really exist!

But I’m not naked.

My arms are starting to get tired, but I’m already really wet when I feel a swat on my arse. I’m so surprised by it a let out a shout. It goes quiet in the room again. I imagine them all looking at me.

Someone pulls the front of my top away from me and gropes my tits, just squeezing and playing with them another slap from behind. I start push myself into the groping hands and they’re gone! My top is still pulled down, one poor tit hanging free, the other tucked away in my bra.

You take my blindfold off, and I see I’m surrounded now. Men, looking at me, leering at me.

“Is she free use?”

You nod, smiling at me and several men advance on me. I’m stroked, squeezed and groped. My skirt pushed up around my waist. One looks at you, slips his hand inside my knickers, then he dips his finger into my cunt, adds another, and what the fuck? He actually uses his fingers to pull me towards him! He fingers slide out, he holds them up, looks at the slick wetness on them, spreading them and turning them in the light. Then he wipes them on my exposed tit. Asshole! But it’s so hot!

Someone frees my other tit, so they’re both pushed up above my bra. I steal a glance at you – you’re standing to the side your arms folded, watching them. I notice the pillory for the first time, there, right behind you and it gives me another thrill. I want to be fastened into that! I look at the ropes holding me in place, the hooks on the ceiling and floor. You’re grinning at me, of course you know what I’m thinking.

One gets daring, he stands in front of me and frees his cock, he strokes it and I watch. It stands up along his belly. I lick my tongue over my lips. He goes behind me, pulls my knickers to the side and just slides it in. I arch my back to give him better access and you nod approval at me. He starts slamming it home, his balls slapping at my clit with each thrust. And oh, so hot.

We lock eyes and I watch yours darken as another man dips his head to suck my juices off my nipple. He sucks greedily. Someone else is swatting repeatedly at the underside of my other tit, just watching it bounce. A man holds my hips steady for his buddy, so I don’t swing anymore with the force of the fucking. He comes with a grunt and lightning fast he and his buddy swap places.

This guy is wide and long, well-hung. He is also really tall. I am balancing on the very tips of my toes, I can’t bring my legs together to give him more height, the bindings are too strong. He gives a frustrated grunt and rips through the side of my knickers and they slip down one leg. He hooks his arm under my hips and lifts me a little for his convenience. I lose my balance completely, but am steadied by hands all over me. My arms are pulled straight now. I can barely see you through the crowd.

The pounding becomes intense, it goes on and on, and tears of pleasure-pain stand out in my eyes. Both of my tits are receiving some very lovely suckling now. He comes in a series of sharp thrusts. He surprises me then, by gently setting me back on my feet and steps away. I feel so bloody good, so damned horny.

There you are again. You’ve brought me a drink. You free my arms and ankles. My juices running down my thighs, dripping out of me, you trace a finger oh so lightly along my inner thigh as you straighten up. I eye the men. I eye their trousers, you’re grinning again. So many erections needing my attention!

You step behind the pillory and beckon to me. I come to you willing and lean forward, placing myself in the pillory. This is another fantasy I’ve told you about, another birthday gift from you. How did you find this place? It closes with an expensive sounding snick. It’s far more comfortable than I imagined it would be. You stroke my face and whisper, “good girl.”

I can’t see who is behind me anymore, but it doesn’t matter. Soon enough, another slips inside me. I feel his dick start hammering in, pure pleasure. There is a platform in front of me and you stand on it, free yourself and present your cock to me to lick. I lick it and suck on it, I’m greedy. The guy behind finishes and the next takes his place.

“It stops when you make me come,” you warn me.

I accept the challenge and rein myself in. It’s going to be a long tease for you!

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