Trying Out Pandora Blake’s Sensational Spanking Position: lying on the bed

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I should start this piece with a disclaimer, I was extremely hormonal at the time of writing, so this blog is scatty to say the least. My mind is a bit all over the place and my emotional state is restless. Please excuse all the tangents I go off on.

On Mastodon the other day, I found out that one of the people I’m following produces their own videos, and has been doing so for a number of years. They had it all up on YouTube, but their channel got deleted last year, and they were devastated.

But Pandora Blake is back! You can find their videos at “Kink Education” on “Dreams of Spanking”. In their own words:

“The educational videos offer expert guidance on spanking, BDSM, and kink relationships and are completely free, no subscription required.”

It’s Saturday today, last night I watched a few of them and got inspired to write a blog on one of them. Not surprisingly, it’s about spanking.

I Love a good Spanking, and some random digressing

As anyone who’s read more than a few of my blogs will know, I love a good spanking. Being belt-whipped, cropped, flogged or very occasionally caned, I’m in. I love receiving pain, how much I can tolerate depends on my emotional state. And if I want proper pain, it’s me that asks for it directly, and we agree beforehand how we will go about it.

We watched something recently, where one of the two main protagonists was a tattooist. She had so many cool tattoos and I found myself wondering how it must feel to be tattooed. A new tattoo parlour has opened nearby, and I am so curious.

But, and this is the thing, I suspect if I do get one, I will not stop until more of my skin is covered than isn’t, and even then I’d probably go on. It’s not that I want a tattoo, I don’t. Nah, I’ll rephrase that, until recently I didn’t. I have this completely irrational desire to know how it feels to be under the needle for an hour or more, and I suspect it’d bring me to an addiction. An expensive addiction.

Oof, I’ve just read the reviews on the place nearby, and it seems the guy working there is an artisan of his craft.

But, nope. For now, I’ll stick to the various forms of spanking, flogging and such, that I already enjoy.

There’s something so delicious about being bent over someone’s knee or over some piece of furniture with your ass nicely presented, being spanked. What I like about it depends on the situation I’m in.

Expert Spanker, and some more random digressing

My man is an expert spanker. He’s not afraid to inflict proper pain when I need it, and he knows how much I can take (quite a lot). Sometimes I actually need pain to come back to myself, sometimes I just want to feel pain.

Occasionally I outright ask to be spanked, but a lot of the time, it just “happens” during our sex. My man and I are playful with each other. We’ll engineer our encounter toward a spanking without having to talk about it. Sometimes, he’ll treat it like a proper punishment. He’ll get my ass properly glowing, so that I choose to work in home-office standing up for a day or two’s recovery, before I dare to face sitting for hours at a time in the office.

Other times, he just brings me to the edge of pain. Fabulously fun sex sessions with a good spanking added in to spice it up. Some incredible low-grade pain, adding volumes to the mental pleasure-state I’m in.

If I feel like I need more, I will struggle, and it becomes a lovely power-play. He will command me to stillness, hold me down, and spank me harder until I submit. Sometimes we make this last a gorgeously long while. He often intersperses his spanking with tenderness, massaging my ass, a little clit teasing if I’m lucky and the mood is right.

The last time he visited, the time my man gave us permission to fuck, our buddy spanked me of his own accord. And oh, was that hot. I was already so wet and desperate for him, he’d commanded me to stillness, and fell asleep with me in his arms.

Uhh and then he got wood which I wanted to touch. I thought he was still asleep, but he surprised me by commanding me to stillness again, so I jumped, and with that he’d made it impossible for me to obey him.

So, inevitably, he just turned me over his knee and spanked my ass, with me giggling. And struggling of course, just so I could feel his strength. He’s powerfully strong. Then he pulled my kickers down my legs, discovered my wetness and the spanking got forgotten.

Anyway, I’m digressing.

Pandora’s Video, with a small digression

While I was browsing Kink Education, I found this brilliant video; Sensational Spanking Positions 101: Lying on the Bed. This is a really lovely piece of filmmaking. Pandora is so personable I felt like they were talking directly to me. The line “… enables me to float away with pleasurable sensations,” sold me.

So, I asked my man to spank me this way and he agreed to do it, of course. Was quite enthusiastic, of course. Then I made him watch the video. He didn’t think he particularly needed to, after, he said:

“I can see why that appeals to you.”

He enjoyed it and Pandora had given him a new idea, which turned out to be an astonishingly sensual thing that we hadn’t tried before. Would probably have just dismissed as weird.

Here’s my account of being spanked lying face-down on the bed.

You know thinking about this, we actually have more sex in other places than in bed. Bed is for sleeping. Or sometimes a place for quickies, fast sordid sex full of whispered fantasies. And bed is also for teasing the hell out of each other before getting up in the morning, sometimes followed by said quickie.

Sensational Spanking Position: getting comfortable facedown on the bed

He sent me up to get myself comfortable on the bed. I took a couple of cushions from our sofa up with me. They’re robust, and I wanted to make sure my ass was properly presented for this, as Pandora shows in their video.

While he gathered the impliments he wanted to spank me with, I stripped to my knickers and laid myself flat on my stomach on the bed, with my hips on the cushions, so my ass was nicely turned up. Naturally, it was very comfortable and a delicious anticipation set in, along with a feeling of glorious decadence.

Minutes passed and I could feel myself getting really wet. I grabbed a towel from my bedside stack (yeah, I am always prepared hah) and placed it on the cushions, plunged a finger into my wetness, grinning with my anticipation.

When he came into the room, he waved a bottle of olive oil at me and made me get up. He spread our latex sheet over the bed and the cushions, and I lay down, noticing the difference in the texture under me. Again he made me get up, he added another cushion to the stack, spread the sheet and this time, when I lay down, and my ass was much higher than before.

“Better,” he said.

My Man’s Super-Power, and some feline digressing

He spilled oil over my back and gave me the most wonderful massage. His hands gliding up the middle of my back to my shoulders, around and down, fingers stroking the lightest touch over the sides of my tits and down to my arse, then back up. Bending low, he breathed on my back as he massaged me, sending the tiniest thrills upwards from the base of my spine.

Then he spent a little time using pressure point massage to get some knots out of my shoulders. He’s so bloody good at this, he got some training when he was younger, and he has a natural ability. Touch is one of his super-powers; his touch brings me alive.

I’m a cat person, I love cats and I know exactly how to stroke them to give them ultimate pleasure. But seriously, when he pets cats, they go into meltdown, purring drooling idiots of submissive felineness.

When my best friend came to see us that time, it was such an absolute pleasure to watch him with her, to see how she reacted to his touch, how hot it made her. And I think the hottest part of the whole thing for me, was knowing how she was feeling under his hands. Knowing how good his touch is, knowing exactly what it was doing to her. Uhh. It was so good to share him, to let my friend feel that.

Digressing again, sorry.

His Impliment of Choice: the wooden spoon

So, there I was feeling wonderfully relaxed lying on my front on the bed, ass in the air, receiving a very sumptuous massage from my man. Finishing with my back, he took my legs and rearranged them, so they were spread out. He got between them, and I felt his breath over my scantily clad pussy, the wetness gathered there, and a little moan fell from my lips.

He let a finger trail upwards under my thong and through it and he made a noise of his own, a little grunt of satisfaction.

An ass massage followed. Have you ever had one of these? It’s so damned hot. He took his time and every part of my buttocks, and the backs of my thighs were treated. He finished with long stroking sweeps up my inner thighs. Then his fingers slipped under the material of my knickers and dragged lightly over my outer labia.

“I’ll be using this,” he said.

And he showed me a wooden spoon. We’ve joked about using one before, but to date, he’s really only used his hands, belts, floggers, crops and a cane on me. I closed my eyes and explored the wood with my fingers, thrilling. He took it back.

“I’m going to start now,” he said.

Sensational Spanking Position: lying on the bed

And then, the swoosh of the spoon whizzing through the air, and the sudden pain. It was a different kind of pain to what I’m used to. Intense, confined and stinging from the outset. It produced an immediate warm-glow effect. He whipped me a couple more times, and made a noise of approval.

“What?” I asked.

He took a picture of my ass and showed it to me. Interesting, the spoon of course has a hollow and it was the front side with which he was spanking me. It was trapping air with each blow, so my ass was taking on a set of reddened rings, impressions of the edges of the spoon. I supposed the front side hurts more than the back and I told him so.

“Let’s test it,” he said, and he continued.

I couldn’t discern much difference, so he just kept imprinting overlapping ovals of redness onto me.

Him whipping my raised ass while I just lay there felt amazing. It’s the most relaxed my body has been for a spanking. The massage he did surely played a role, but the pain I was receiving was building too. He had covered my ass with it and the stinging was getting intense.

Feet Spanking!

Between, he massaged my ass, and those moments of respite, the care he gave me soothed my burning ass, and oh I was so wet now.

Then he took one of my feet and struck it once, across the ball of it beneath my toes. It was a lighter blow, done with the edge of the spoon and I swear, my foot sang and made an instant connection to my clit.

My ass was smarting, but when he did that to my foot, all of my focus was instantaneously there, and I felt so alive in that split second. I don’t know how better to describe what it did to me. It was so unbelievably sensual.

We’d never done this before. He planted a few more strokes to different parts of my foot, before turning his attention to my ass again. Ow, ohhh having it beaten after the moment’s break. The shock of sensation had thrown me out of my zone and I grunted out my pain, my head snaking up so I was on my elbows.

“Ahh, it hurts,” I said. And yeah, I clenched my teeth.

He squeezed up an area of my left butt cheek and whipped it a few times in a row, agonising, but I was able to relax into it again.

That is, until he interspersed striking my feet and whipping my ass, so I never knew where the next blow was going to land.

We “Digress” Together

It was the differences in intensity that did it. The ass whipping was so damned painful, those stinging blows, but when the blows landed on my feet, he was so gentle that the sensation was something completely different. I overloaded.

I called for a time out. And I fully intended to let him continue. But …

He massaged my ass and this led to him finding out just how wet I was, which in turn led to him getting his dick out, pulling my knickers to the side and sliding it into me, while his fingers did some super-power-touch-malarky on my clit, which led to me coming fiercely hard around him, which of course led to him slamming brutally against my burning ass, battering my cervix with his cock until he was grunting out his own climax.

That bit was also extremely hot, but that’s not the focus of this blog. So you get a little summary, and so you know all ended well.

It’s Sunday evening as I write this. I am sitting on a wooden bench, and I when I shift, I can feel last night’s encounter, though it’s really not too bad, I did think it would be worse.

And do you know what else? I loved what we did last night so much, I’ve asked for it again tonight and I can’t wait.

If you’d like to see the video that inspired this blog, Sensational Spanking Positions 101: Lying on the Bed, you can find it here. It’s just a few minutes long, and very much worth a watch.

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2 thoughts on “Trying Out Pandora Blake’s Sensational Spanking Position: lying on the bed”

  1. Thank you for your blogs. I really enjoy your writing. I think you are very talented. And then the audio. I can’t believe this is all you. Extremely talented. I just wanted to say thanks and that finding Sundial has helped me in coming to terms with my own existence. Midlife. Middling. Mid. Stuck, happy but maybe lacking spice. I have also come to the conclusion later in my life that I am autistic and have yet to understand how this affects my sexuality. I’m also sworn off pornography, it’s been 10 months and I feel better for it. I guess that’s where Sundial comes in, pun intended.

    1. Hi Nameless, thank you for this comment, and I’m sorry it’s taken me a while to approve it and get back to you. I had a work-do on Thursday and the pre-dread and post come-down knocked me out completely, so I actually haven’t looked at the backside of my website for a couple of days. And it’s really lovely of you to be so affirmative of what I do with the writing. If I have been able to help you in the smallest way, this makes me insanely happy. There are so many people who are neurodivergent, who don’t have a diagnosis, and only realise later in life. It’s soul-destroying at times, to feel like an alien in your own life, when you compare yourself to others around. Since I’ve found out, I have thrown myself into research on ASD, and it’s been such an eye-opener. I’ve had, and keep having so many “oh so that’s why” moments. If you haven’t read up on autism, I’d recommend it. (I did audiobooks while driving to work.) And on midlife; oh, I’m so with you there Nameless 😉

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