
A pencil drawing of a black corset with red bones and lace cups. It is drawn on tatty watercolour card. It is steam-punk like.

Shake It: You Watch Him Punish and Fuck Me

Hi dear Reader,

I hope you are keeping well and everything is as good as it can be in your 2025. Thank you for bearing with me. It feels like a while since I’ve been in a creative head-space. Writing about this brought me so much joy. We stayed in the same hotel in which my man and I had our first threesome to celebrate his birthday, at his request.

Be warned, this is the longest post I have made, and I shortened it massively before I got it ready to post. The experience was just so mind-bogglingly grand. I had to cut the incident with the man delivering room-service, though I was in two minds about that.

I hope you enjoy it.

A warning: This blog contains some rough sex, bondage, breath-play, painful bare-hand spanking, flogging and humiliation. Needless to say, the experience was unforgettably glorious. Though I don’t mention it, he did warn me of his intention to cause pain beforehand and we had a safe-gesture in place for the breath-play.

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Threesome Weekend: The Spanking

There were two more encounters I wanted to write up from the threesome weekend. The first is the promised spanking: “Oh, naughty girl, you’re getting a good spanking from each of us later, you whisper into my ear. Still staring into his eyes, I see his reaction to this, his thrill … There’s a promise of violence in his eyes that I find I don’t want to escape.” Oh, how I love a good spanking, and what better than to be spanked by two men, instead of one?

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