
Threesome Weekend: The Spanking

There were two more encounters I wanted to write up from the threesome weekend. The first is the promised spanking: “Oh, naughty girl, you’re getting a good spanking from each of us later, you whisper into my ear. Still staring into his eyes, I see his reaction to this, his thrill … There’s a promise of violence in his eyes that I find I don’t want to escape.” Oh, how I love a good spanking, and what better than to be spanked by two men, instead of one?

Pleasuring and Being Owned by a Colleague

Continuing the attraction story I posted earlier. This is how it played out in the end. As is so often the way in our encounters, I took a submissive role and let myself be used. It’s crazy how hot being a pleasure station can make a sub. I was really, really nervous about being with him at the start.