
A pencil drawing of a black corset with red bones and lace cups. It is drawn on tatty watercolour card. It is steam-punk like.

Shake It: You Watch Him Punish and Fuck Me

Hi dear Reader,

I hope you are keeping well and everything is as good as it can be in your 2025. Thank you for bearing with me. It feels like a while since I’ve been in a creative head-space. Writing about this brought me so much joy. We stayed in the same hotel in which my man and I had our first threesome to celebrate his birthday, at his request.

Be warned, this is the longest post I have made, and I shortened it massively before I got it ready to post. The experience was just so mind-bogglingly grand. I had to cut the incident with the man delivering room-service, though I was in two minds about that.

I hope you enjoy it.

A warning: This blog contains some rough sex, bondage, breath-play, painful bare-hand spanking, flogging and humiliation. Needless to say, the experience was unforgettably glorious. Though I don’t mention it, he did warn me of his intention to cause pain beforehand and we had a safe-gesture in place for the breath-play.

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There are three glasses on a table, two tall wine glasses and a short rounded tumbler in the middle. The wine glass on the left contains blue tinted liquid, perhaps water, middle something similar in hue to cranberry juice and the tall glass on the right a deep red liquid, maybe a red wine. There are bubble rising from the wine glasses. The image is cute and cartoony. The three glasses are offset by a white circle in the background. There is a hint of a tray under the glasses and their shadowy are cast towards the viewer. These glasses represent the characters in this story, with Nick being the central tumbler.

Nick’s First Threesome: Pleasing Mummy

Nick’s first threesome is a fantasy story written for a friend, who happens to be blind. It’s a fantasy about a blind man having a lightly submissive FFm threesome. It’s a bit different to what I usually write, and I hope you enjoy it. There is audio for this one, sorry for the particularly grungy voice. I’ve had a bad cold recently!
WARNING: This fantasy story uses Mummy as an honorific, but all characters in the story are consenting adults and unrelated to each other.

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Guest Blog: A Wife’s First Threesome: Blowjobs, Cunnilingus and Double Penetration

I’m so excited to bring your my first guest blog on gdwSundial. This sizzling hot piece was first written by D34U as a love letter to his best firend and wife on Valentine’s day. He’d do anything for her and it comes across beautifully in his writing. I also made audio for this one. It’s a little sketchy, because it’s my first time reading someone else’s work, but I think I got away with it. Enjoy the story!

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Opening Up our Relationship: our very first threesome

It’s funny, how once you’ve done a thing a few times, you become accustomed to it. My last blog got my man and me reminiscing on our very first threesome and it brought back just how hot that night was. As promised in that blog, here is a telling of our very first threesome. I’ve tried very hard to keep the account of it true to the reality, though my memory is blurry in places. I hope the nervous excitement and the magic newness of it comes across well.

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