Open Air Punishment: Stripped, tied to a tree and belt whipped.

We went for a long walk together around a countryside lake, teeming with mosquitos, and I was glad he’d insisted on drenching us all in that foul smelling repellent before we left his flat. The weather was unbearably warm, the air laden with humidity, but under the canopy of the trees, we were at least protected from sunlight, what little there was of it.

The forest smelt green, full of life and vegetation. I let my hand trail through reeds growing by the water, over trunks of the trees we passed. On an impulse, I let it brush through the tips of some nettles and enjoyed the sensation of the stinging, slow burn it created.

My body felt clammy under my loose summer dress, and peeking at him, I watched a bead of sweat run down the side of his face. And I wondered how it tasted, imagined the saltiness of it. Grabbing his hand in both of mine, I stopped him, he looked a question at me, you stopped, turned to watch.

Building Heat: a drop of sweat

Reaching up, I caught that drop of sweat with a finger, still burning from the nettles, and brought it to my nose, sniffed it for repellent, then tasted it. And it was clean and only slightly salty, as I’d imagined it would be.

I grinned at him around my finger, and he snorted.

But he took my hand and pulled it up to his face, inspecting and tracing a finger gently over my nettle stings. He looked at me, with a slight frown.

Watching my eyes, he sucked my finger into his mouth and teased it, and the sensation of his mouth on my finger was amplified through the burn of sensitivity the nettles had created. He licked around the tip of it, and I sucked in a breath. Using his tongue, he pushed my finger to the bottom of his mouth, so it pressed against his teeth.

And with my finger in his mouth, he leaned down to me, and when he broke eye contact, I closed my eyes. I felt the heaviness of the air, the forest quiet and muzzy, the heat, the humming buzz from the mosquitos and other insects.

He let my finger slide from his mouth, and his lips found instead my earlobe. He licked at it gently. I felt you behind me, your arms came around my waist and you held me against you, the fabric of your shirt feeling cool and crinkly against my bare shoulders. I relaxed against you, leaning into you and my hands found your thighs, stroking over the solidity of them through your jeans.

His tongue was sweet and wet at my earlobe, and he bit it gently, before letting it go.

I opened my eyes. He was standing before me, those intense eyes of his staring down at me, glinting, his mouth a hard line. He raised his hands, undid the top button of my dress and I straightened, looking around. It occurred to me then, that we hadn’t seen anyone at all, during our whole walk. There had been no other cars when we’d parked. We were alone here.

Stripped for Punishment

“Time for your punishment,” your voice at my ear, your arms fall from my waist and you take a step back away from me.

Delighted, I grin up at him, but he doesn’t smile back, he just continues with my buttons. I watch his large fingers fumbling them open, it takes him a while, the buttons are tiny and wafer thin. I half expect and so very much hope that he will give in to frustration, and just rip the dress open and off me, but he’s patient.

Watching him struggling with my buttons is oddly soothing. The size and width of his fingers excite me, and I think of his stature, his height. Ooh, I remember those fingers being inside me. Uhh. And I’m getting really horny.

I’m thrilled by the fact you’ve planned this between you, and I can’t wait for my first ever outdoor punishment.

At last he’s undone enough buttons to slide the dress from my shoulders, it pools around my feet, and with that, I slip fully into sub-mode. I cast my eyes down and wait for my direction.

Your feet come into view. You take my hands, guiding me, and I step out of my summer dress. He picks it up.

Eyes down, Slut

You gently push me against a tree, so I feel the bark touching my sweat slicked back. I notice the sweat is drying on my front, with the breeze that has started up. The trunk of the tree is slimmer than me. I explore it with my hands. It’s a silver birch, the bark is smooth, flaky in places, but surprisingly rough against the sweaty skin of my back.

Your hands move to your belt and I watch you undoing it. Deliberately slowly, you free it from your jeans. Ahh, I lick my lips, memories cascading over me with the noise of the leather sliding over the denim, and through the loops. It slips free from the last loop, and I glance up at you.

“Eyes down, slut,” you say.

Ooh, it’s been a while since you called me a slut and it does exactly the right things to my core. My clit and cunt react with those delicious warm feelings, and I drop my eyes.

I so desperately want this punishment. I will not be defiant, I want to be called a good girl at the end of this. I want to have pleased you both with how well I am going to take this, with how good I’ll have been. But I also want to be punished, to be the deserving slut, to be hurt and owned first.

Tied and Topless

You’re behind me now. You pull my hands down so my arms are straight and I’m holding the tree trunk. I feel the belt pass over my wrists and around the trunk. You tighten it, and I’m attached to the tree.

My eyes find him, he’s picked a few stinging nettles. My hand is suddenly singing to me with its warm tenderness. I pull it away from the tree as much as I am able, it feels impossible to let it be touching anything.

I’m afraid of what his plan is, of what the aftermath might be, of how long it might last. I have a high pain threshold, I enjoy pain, but I’m really frightened of this. Placing my hand back on the bark, I stroke it back and forth over the trunk of the tree, feeling the burn, ignoring the desire to pull it away. And I wonder.

You’re moving back in front of me and I cast my eyes down again. Standing before me, I watch your hands rise to my shoulders, and in one swift movement, you yank my bra straps down my arms, so my tits bounce free.

“Look at him,” you say.

I look up, see the nettles clutched in his hand. He waves them at me and I actually giggle.

“Do you want this?” he says, and I can’t make out his tone.

I swallow, considering, stroking my hand over the bark of the tree. I know about this, some people really enjoy it, and I am curious about it, but I’m just so scared. My hand is still singing to me.

And in the end I shake my head no, not this time. He throws the nettles to the side, inspects his own stung hand, flexes his fingers.

Looking between you, I search for evidence of disappointment in your expressions, but there is none. In fact, he looks relieved, throws me a grin. You stroke my cheek, kiss my lips.

“Eyes down, slut,” you’re whispering this time, and there is such tenderness in your voice. I look to your feet.

You step back, gesturing to him.

It was him, after all, whom I’d disobeyed.

He builds me higher

He can’t inflict true pain; I don’t think he has it in him. We had it before where he safe-worded during a caning session, and it was me that was being caned. He couldn’t stand to see it, it confused the hell out of him and that made him so angry.

But he loves giving me playful pain, that delicious feeling where the inflictor walks the fine line between pain and pleasure. He loves to turn me over his knee and spank me until my ass is red and glowing. Uhh, and now I’m thinking about how he did this when you gave us permission to fuck that time. Mmmh.

I watch his hands undoing his belt, watch it slip free from the denim. He folds it in half and hefts in, striking his hand some blows that must surely sting. And I’m feeling impatient for the bite. The sound of the belt swooshing through the air and the crack of the impact. Mmmh it’s igniting me.

He’s getting a feel for how hard he will strike me and it thrills me that he’s doing this. The care he’s taking excites me. I wiggle, filled with anticipation and I feel how wet I am, uhh it’s coming through the material of my knickers!

It hits me again, that we’re outdoors, that anyone could come along. That I’m tied to a tree in just my knickers and my shoes, about to be punished. That you’re both fully dressed, and oh what that does to me. Mmmh.

And Punishes Me, Hard

He’s satisfied, the belt whizzes through the air, making that unique sound I so love to hear, and the first blow lands on the underside of my left tit. The pain is slightly greater than I imagined he’d give me. I’m just thrilling! With my eyes downcast, I watch my tit bounce and uhh, that’s so hot! The underside of my right tit receives the next crack of his belt, and I am grinning again. This feels so damned good. I find myself stroking my burning hand over the tree again.

At this point it starts to rain, we hear it striking the canopy as he lands a barrage of blows, all to the undersides of my tits. He’s consistent, each tit gets its fair allotment. Stinging, glowing pain sets in. Soon the rain is falling through the trees onto me, great drops of it shockingly cold on my naked skin, and I feel a surge of disappointment. We’re a long way from the car, surely we must stop and head back.

But he doesn’t stop. Instead, I watch his feet close in on me and his head comes into my line of vision. He sucks hard at my left nipple, nibbles it, and sucks again. I watch the rain running down over his head and into his beard, watch my nipple stretching from his mouth and he sucks it away from my body.

Aah the pain is exquisite, my body turns of its own volition against his onslaught, but his hands fasten onto my upper arms, swinging me back to face him, and he holds me in place, his mouth finding my other nipple. Uhhh and again I rub my thighs together; my clit so desperately wants to be touched.

“Be still,” you say.

Uhh your command, oh god, I feel so empty, and so desperate to come.

The sides of both of my tits are soundly whipped. They’re turning this beautiful shade of red where his belt has kissed them, the throbbing hot pain, countering the coldness of rain falling over me. A leaf sticks to my wet hip and your hand appears, picks it from me. You stroke your hand over my hip, but I don’t feel it, all of my focus is on my tits, the blazing pain there.

Ooh, he’s never hit me this hard before, but the slow build he did carries me through. I’m loving the pain he’s giving me, though my eyes have teared up and the grass below my feet is blurred and swimming. I keep my eyes open, determined not to let my tears fall.

A volley of cracks, directly over my nipples. He knows what he’s doing, they do not glance over them, but hit them head on, pressing them into me. Completely involuntarily, I flinch over and over, my feet dancing away from his attack.

Then he stops, grips my upper arms and turns me to face him again. Still trying to be good, I let my body stand proud, fully toward him, and I do not look up at him. I keep my eyes on his feet.

Good Girl

His hand comes up, fastens onto my chin and raises my head to him, but still I keep my eyes down.

“Look at me.”

Through my tears I look into his eyes.

“Good girl,” he says.

It’s the first time he’s called me this and I grin at him. My grin is stupid and wide and so very happy. He grins back at me a moment and he’s so clearly pleased with himself. Then looks at you and I glance at you too. You’re watching us both and you look from my eyes to his and take another step back. Your message is clear.

He turns his gaze back to me, strokes a hand over my cheek, pushing my sodden hair back from my face. I want to touch him, but my hands are still bound to the tree. He stoops and brushes the lightest of kisses over my lips and I close my eyes again, just feeling his breath on my face, his tongue licks over my lips and I let them part with a gasp.

Be a Doll for me: he fucks me there on the forest floor

There is a tightening at my wrists and I’m freed from the tree. I open my eyes again. He’s spread my dress out on the forest floor. Reaching out, he drags my knickers down my legs and then, with infinite gentleness, he helps me lie down. My dress is cold and wet, but it’s so much more comfortable than having my back to the tree. Old leaves and grass cushion me through the thin material.

He pulls his t-shirt over his head, undoes the button of his jeans, hesitates, staring down at me. He doesn’t free his dick, instead he gets down on his knees beside my hip. And he looks at me, into my eyes.

“Be a doll for me.”

And this time I obey him completely. I relax my body, enjoying the feel of the rain drops hitting me, cooling my warmed and beaten tits. I am starting to feel cold now, and it’s a relief.

He arranges my legs so they’re lightly bent and they fall open from my hips, and then he bends forward, and his lips graze over mine again. He leans over more, so his lips are at my ear, and he breathes into it, it’s mind-blowingly sexy, this, and a shiver runs through that whole side of me.

Then he turns, kneels so his knees are by my shoulders, and if it wasn’t for his jeans, I’d be able to suck him off, and I so very much want to.

But I’m a doll now.

He covers my nakedness with his body, his elbows on the ground either side of my hips. Wrapping his arms around my legs, his hands come to rest at the top of my inner thighs, the weight of them pushing my legs wider open, and his tongue licks over my mons to my clit. He sucks it in.

I feel the heat emanating from his chest warming my core, as he tenderly, skilfully sucks and licks at my clit. It’s so tempting to free him from his jeans, there above my head, uhh there’s some terrible kind of desperation in me, his jeans clad dick is so close to my mouth, and I can see how hard he is.

But I’m still one hundred percent determined to be good, to be his doll. And so I lie as still as I can while he drags, licks and sucks an almighty orgasm out of me. And I’m trying not to react with it at all, forcing my legs to stay relaxed, forcing my breath to be calm and even, whilst inside I’m falling apart with the strength of how hard I come. The tiniest of whimpers escape me.

He fucks me then. He turns around again and gets his dick out, pushes it into my sopping wet, swollen, still throbbing cunt, uhh and it feels so good. And with slow, deep thrusts there, on the floor of the forest by the lake he takes me, uses his doll until he’s spent, coming nice and hard, deep inside me, with you watching all the while.

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